suspended service

I tapped my temples with my fingertips, as though to relieve some pressure or pain, pushed back my chair, and turned to the priest: “Do thresholds occur in the religious tradition?” I asked him. —“Literally or figuratively?” —“Both.”
While the priest pondered, the others said whatever came into their heads.

(P. Handke, Across)

‘larva’ (WT) is a performance that takes place on a threshold. It is one hour long and was developed during my weekly practice at Studio 0/1 and given shape in a residency at Lake Studios Berlin.
The thresholds that play a role during the piece are the transformation of the figuratively and literally suspended body, the shifts that happen during narration and the ritualist use of masks and bells in South German Carnival. The performance is held by music by Zimmermann/Lienhardt from their album “organ“.